Friday, May 30, 2008

A Night at Staples

In "A Night at Staples," the important questions are asked to Los Angeles Lakers superstars Sasha Vujacic, Ronny Turiaf, and Luke Walton. Isn't losing a very viable option? How is there a downside to "win or go home?" And Sasha, how do you reach 110%?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Teams Conspiring to Keep Bonds Out of Baseball?

What do the Mariners and the Tigers have in common? Both teams are in need of a left-handed bat in their lineups. If that player must be a designated hitter, so be it. A player like Barry Bonds would be well-suited for their on-field needs.

Bonds' agent Jeff Boris said not even a single team has contacted him regarding Bonds since he became a free agent. Even more, he doesn't expect Bonds to play any baseball this season.

As a result of unsigned players like Bonds and Kenny Lofton, the MLB players' association has decided to investigate the possibility of collusion.

According the Collective Bargaining Agreement, "Players shall not act in concert with other Players and Clubs shall not act in concert with other Clubs." (Of course, this wasn't on the books in 1918 when the owners released all of their players with an agreement not to sign each other's players, thus allowing them to reduce player salaries).

Dan Halem, MLB senior vice president and general labor counsel, said, "The union notified us that it was investigating potential collusion regarding Barry Bonds and asked for information, and we told them that there was absolutely no collusion with respect to Barry Bonds or any other free agent."

Honestly, why would teams have to work together to keep Barry Bonds away from a baseball field? The lack of interest in Bonds has nothing to do with collusion and everything to do with Bonds. Consider the cloud of steroids and media personnel that follow his every at bat; Bonds would be nothing but a distraction. Few--if any--fans would actually be excited to see baseball's anti-hero on their favorite team.

The MLBPA can keep digging, but they will find that thirty teams made thirty separate decisions. They all chose to avoid Bonds and his baggage.

Not collusion. Just sound logic.

About the Undrafted Free Agent

Ron Crimson was the only player on the high school roster to not get in a game. He couldn't argue with the decision, because he sucked. Needless to say, yet stated anyway, when he entered the NBA draft following his sophomore season in college, he went undrafted. Now, Ron Crimson is the Undrafted Free Agent.

Contact the Undrafted Free Agent

Interested in informing the Undrafted Free Agent of his mistakes, advertisement opportunities, or a scoop on the latest sports scandal? (You can guess which is more likely.) Well, email him at undraftedfreeagent [at]

Look at This!

There's nothing here; I just needed to fill some space. Space eater! Space eater! Space eater! Space eater! Space eater! Space eater! Space eater! Space eater! Space eater! I also needed to balance it out a bit.

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